Saturday, May 3, 2014

Quotable kid

[Scene: the breakfast table at the end of a long week that was short on sleep]
Addy: Mama, how are you feeling today?
Mama: I'm doing pretty good today, Sweetie.
Addy: I'm so glad.  I wanted to make sure you were having a good day today.

[Scene: the parking lot of WalMart]
Daddy: When you get tired from walking in the store, would you rather have your wheelchair or would you rather ride in a cart?
Addy: Uh, I'm not gonna get tired.

[Scene: the dinner table, after dinner]
Addy: I'm done with dinner.  Can we play?
Mama: I suppose we could play for a little bit.  What do you want to play?
Addy: How about Bear Toss?
Mama: Bear Toss?  How do you play that?
Addy: Well, first you get a bear.  Then you throw it.  That's what "toss" means.