[This is the exciting continuation of the epic story "The Animal Friends." You may recall that at the end of the first installment the pig, monkey, elephant, horse, baby bear, gorilla, and chipmunk had been playing games together since 3:00.]
The horse had to go home at 4:00, so he did. The other animals wanted to watch a movie together. It was about 4 surfer girls.
The first surfer girl wanted to check out the bottom of the ocean, so she did. And do you know what happened? She got stuck! Stuck under a rock under the ocean!
The second surfer girl wanted to check out the waves, so she did. Do you know what happened? She got bonked on the head by a wave and couldn't get back!
The third surfer girl didn't know what she wanted to do.
The fourth surfer girl wanted to go surfing, so she did. She surfed in the waves and then wanted to check out the sand, but when she got to the sand, she got stuck! (It was just regular beach sand, not quick sand.)
After that, the third surfer girl figured out what she wanted to do: she wanted to go rescue the other surfer girls. First, she went to the bottom of the ocean to rescue the first surfer girl--the one who was stuck under a rock. She had to puuuuull reeeaaaally hard to get her unstuck, but it worked. Then she went to the waves and rescued the second surfer girl. Then she went to the beach and tried to rescue the fourth surfer girl, but it didn't work very well at first because she didn't realize she needed to dig at the sand. Once she figured that out, it worked much better and the fourth surfer girl got rescued, too.
After everyone was rescued, they had to go take showers because they were covered in sand.
And that was the end of the surfer girl movie. All of the animal friends liked it.