Two updates for today:
1) Addy had a hearing test and passed, but needs to come back in about 6 months to repeat. I have no idea what they did to test the hearing in a week-old baby, but she definitely looks around and tries to focus on the source of a voice when we talk to her.
2) She also has graduated to "ad lib" feeding, which means that she's allowed to eat as much as she wants from a bottle as long as it's at least 40mL and no more than 80mL at each care time. (For reference 60mL = 2oz, and care time is every 3 hours.) I hope that if she keeps that up for several feedings, they'll remove the NG tube from her nose--yay!
There was more snuggle time today, which was quite awesome. Tomorrow she gets to start spending some time on her back and sides, which means (among other things) that we get to try nursing. Hopefully she's less messy about that than she is with the bottle...