Addy rolled herself over (front to back) twice today--hooray! When she's done it in the past, it's been on accident while chasing a toy or trying to stuff her fingers in her mouth. Today it was quite purposeful.
We're also experiencing a battle of wits at our house for the past week. Just when I start to work on getting the red-headed wonder weaned to all formula, she declares that formula is gross and refuses to eat it. Spits the bottle out, just lets the formula drool all over her chin, occasionally gags--all kinds of fun and totally out of the blue. I took her to the doctor to check to make sure it's not an ear infection or anything. Nope, she's just opinionated. (Not that I can really blame her. The stuff is disgusting. You couldn't pay me enough to drink formula.). Maybe when she's done cutting this tooth she'll be more agreeable.