Addy is definitely feeling a lot better today. She still has a
little bit of a cough, but her appetite and attitude are much improved.
And now that we have stopped the albuterol, the guano level of crazy
seems to have subsided as well. More importantly, with the decreased
drainage also comes decreased gagging and throw-up. Hooray!
I had Addy snoozing on my lap for a very late afternoon nap while I was
eating some cold pizza for dinner. She woke up when I was most of the
way through the slice and she started reaching for the crust. I
figured, "What the heck. If she can get past the parmesan garlic butter
on the crust, maybe she'll enjoy it." She gummed and sucked her way
through about 1/3 of the crust and then went on to have 6oz of garden
veggies mixed with corn casserole.