It's Spina Bifida Awareness month!
What is Spina Bifida? It's a neural tube defect. It's the most common, permanently disabling birth defect. It's the most complicated, multi-system condition that is still compatible with life.
What isn't Spina Bifida? For starters, it isn't fully understood. Folic Acid seems to play a role, but taking it only reduces the risk of your child having it. It isn't contagious. It isn't curable.
Spina Bifida is a malformation of the spine that occurs very early in pregnancy. The location of that malformation gives some clues about what kinds of challenges a person is likely to have, but it isn't a strict correlation. This chart (link) from the Spina Bifida Association has some general information about how lesion and function are connected.
The most important thing to know about Spina Bifida is that everyone who has it is affected differently. Even two people whose lesion was at the exact same spot on their spine may have different impairment and challenges that they face. Still hungry for more info? Check out the National Institutes of Health fact sheet on Spina Bifida (link).