1) First and most importantly, use an emery board to file all of the fingernails on your left hand to sharp, jagged points. In spite of my attempts to keep them trimmed, Addy is quite adept at maintaining a full set of wickedly sharp daggers on the ends of her fingers.
2) Open your left hand in front of your face with your palm facing toward you
3) Rotate your left thumb so that it is now pointing toward your face, keeping your palm facing you
4) Open your mouth
5) Bring your left hand toward your face, inserting your thumb into your mouth
6) Close your mouth around your thumb. Commence sucking.
7) Slowly curl your fingers down until your
8) Ignore the thumb in your mouth and scream as you draw blood
Other than the aforementioned thumb sucking debacle, Addy continues to do very, very well. She is definitely getting bigger and is starting to outgrow some of her newborn sized outfits. Not that I put a whole lot of faith in its accuracy, but according to our bathroom scale she weighed just under 9lb yesterday!