Addy continues to do awesome post-surgery. She was completely off the pain meds this morning, but mostly because her IV in her foot had gone kaput and they had trouble finding another vein to stick. The nurse got an order for some oral pain meds in case they're needed, but to my knowledge they weren't needed all day. Food is still a pretty high priority for Miss Sunshine and fortunately she's back to her "on demand" feeding schedule! She slept through most of a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Gottlieb this afternoon. Thankfully she's super cute, so they didn't mind watching her saw logs while snuggling with Mommy.
Derek had a chance today to meet a family with a 1-year old daughter who was also born with Spina Bifida. They are also from the Huntsville area, so we're looking forward to getting to know them better in the future. Interestingly, when the doctor was introducing everyone, he made an off-handed comment that we would be discharged "soon," which is the closest we've been able to get to an actual ETD (estimated time of departure) since the false alarm on Monday. If only we could get someone to actually define "soon" for us...