We took Addy (and, more importantly, her AFOs) to Nashville today to see about revising/returning the braces so that we can make sure they're really giving her the maximum benefit possible. I was a total weanie and just let the orthotist revise them this time. We'll be back in Nashville for SB clinic in a month anyway, so we'll take more drastic action at that time if we need to. On the up side, the braces do fit much better inside Addy's shoes now and I think her heel will stay in place better after the make-over they got this afternoon. And because of the way the orthotist took care of the extra bulk around the ankles, he was able to reverse the plantar flexion (toe pointing) in the right brace. Here's hoping this lasts a while longer this time!
Also on a super positive note, Addy ate the best lunch I've seen her eat yet: a whole container of "chicken and rice dinner" plus an entire pouch of "spinach mango pear purée" with cereal (it looks like pesto, but mostly tastes like mangos and pears; Addy loves it) and about 2 oz of milk. But no crackers. She managed to eat about 6 Ritz crackers today between breakfast, a snack in the car and a snack at the orthotist's office. So when I offered her another one for lunch she gave me this look that said "Seriously? More Ritz crackers? They're good but they aren't that good." We switched to puffs for dinner.