Eventually the cat will learn to run away when Addy points the stander in her direction!
In other Addy news, she tried a new flavor of baby food today: Sprout's Creamy Chicken and Veggies (I think that was the name of it). It smelled delicious but it had waaaaaaaaay too much texture going on there. It's actually the second one of Sprout's stage 3 foods that we've tried, and I have to say, their decision to use what seems like jerky instead of actual, tender chunks of meat is quite disappointing. It may be organic, but it's really kind of a gritty texture in the food.
Anyway, to try to make it more palatable for Addy, I poured it out on the cutting board and tried to chop up the chunky bits as much as I could with a knife. That wasn't smooth enough for the Red-Headed Wonder, so we tried adding it to some tay-tohs just to spread out the texture. Nothin' doin'. So we gave up at lunch time and put the leftovers in the fridge (she polished off a container of smooth, but somewhat gelatinous chicken and noodle dinner instead).
At dinner time, I tried putting the leftovers in the mini food processor to chop it up even more finely, but even that wasn't enough to convince Addy that we weren't trying to choke her with her dinner. The only thing left was to actually strain the stuff through a mesh strainer and try to remove all of the good, chunky stuff. She still wasn't really impressed, but at least she mostly stopped gagging. She does fine with food that's thickened with cereal and she does fine with food that has wheat germ "sprinkles" added to it and she does find with food that is both thickened and "sprinkled," but do not try to give the girl dried out meat chunks in her food. Can you really blame her?