Quite the marvels of engineering, are they not? The two biggest down sides: it takes more than 10 minutes to get them on, strapped up, and shoes on; and the hinges are very easy to get your fingers pinched in (and quite painful when you do!) The second point is more of a problem for the grown-ups than for Addy, but she is very curious about them and wants to check them out when she isn't wearing them. So far we're using them along with the gait trainer a little, but Addy really prefers to stand at the patio doors and play with the jungle window clings that we have or to stand at the bookshelf and pull every single book off and dump it on the floor beside her.
We also picked up her new AFOs recently:
I'm not totally digging them. They're pretty much the same style as the previous ones (which none of us really cared for), but this time they're a little wider since they have the big, bulky buckles at the ankle. At least she is able to wear them and they don't seem to make red marks.