No matter how many times we answered the question, we didn't seem to be getting it right because Addy just kept repeating the nonsense. "Do fish know Christmas or are they confused?" As Derek said, it's like she an alien or something and if we can just solve the riddle, then the secrets of the universe will be revealed to us. But neither "They know Christmas" NOR "They're confused" made the question go away. We were all getting confused. And annoyed.
Cue Google.
I googled "Do fish know Christmas or are they confused" and got a hit: a blog post from a parent whose kid had watched the Curious George Christmas movie on PBS. That little bugger, Steve, made up a stupid Christmas song to the tune of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas".
Do fish know that it is Christmas?
Do fish know that it is Christmas?
Do fish know that it is Christmas?
Or are they confused?
Apparently the irritating song has been an ear worm, stuck in poor Addy's head all day. Now it's stuck in my head, too. Thanks, Steve.